What makes I-Master different from other index trading systems?

It was developed using seven indices to yield a larger data sample size, thus attempting  to  minimize curve-fitting.  (Curve fitting refers to using computerized data to �fit� into a desired result.  Generally experienced with small amounts of data which can generate false results).

Performance and testing was done using $300 for slippage and commissions.  Since the system enters and exits the market on stop orders, this can have a large impact on the performance of a system.  Many systems are developed and performance figures given using $100 or less for commissions and slippage.  To illustrate how important the  difference between the $300 and $100 most system developers use in their figures, the    following example will be helpful: If an index system trades once per day or twenty times per month 20 X $200 = $4000 or $48,000 per year!  This realistic slippage and  commission which is built into the performance record is substantial and overcome by I-Master in hypothetical testing.

Long and short trade performance is balanced.  Most index systems are highly biased to the long side due to the sustained up-trend  of the S&P in the 1980�s and 90�s.  I-Master seeks to be equally successful during both up and down trends in the stock  market. 

Flexibility Investors will have the option of trading the I- Master system with mini contracts instead of the full sized ones.  Mini contracts are one fifth the size of a standard contract, thus allowing for more options when  it comes to diversifying a modern investment portfolio.   

Futures trading involves  substantial risk and is not appropriate for all investors

What is I-Master?

Who developed I-Master?

What markets can be traded with I-Master?

Does I-Master fit into your portfolio?

System Performance

How much does it cost to buy I-Master?

What do you get when you buy I-Master?

How can Trade Center, Inc. help?