Who developed I-Master?

Murray Ruggerio developed I-Master as well as other market timing systems using advanced technologies.  Previously, he was a vice president of Promised Land Technologies, Inc. and was the inventor of a patented method for embedding a neural network into a spreadsheet. He has been researching advanced technologies since 1988 and was featured in Business Week as one of the leading experts using neural networks in finance and investing. Mr. Ruggerio has been a contributing editor to Futures Magazine since June 1994 and has a monthly column, �Trading and Technology.�

Keith Fitschen is the owner of the trading system development firm, Trade System, Inc. Mr.Fitschen worked in concert with Mr. Ruggerio to make the I-Master trading system available to traders like you. His role was to take the raw trading system and meld it to the easy to use platforms and manuals he uses for other Trade System products. The result is a very sophisticated system made available to the public.  Mr. Fitschen has been investigating commodity trading systems for the last 20 years. It started when he was in the Air Force splitting time between flying and engineering assignments. Since retiring from the Air Force, he has intensified his efforts. Mr. Fitschen has looked at many ways

to trade commodities -- moving averages, stochastics, oscillators, momentum, cycles, neural nets, wavelets, patterns -- and has developed a lot of effective systems based on his research.

What is I-Master?

What markets can be traded with I-Master?

What makes I-Master different from other index trading systems?

Does I-Master fit into your portfolio?

System Performance

How much does it cost to buy I-Master?

What do you get when you buy I-Master?

How can Trade Center, Inc. help?